Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Family Connections


Christopher's Mother

A few years ago I met a young man on Facebook named Christopher. He was cleaning out his mother's apartment and came across some old photographs that he didn't recognize. He decided to post them of on an African American genealogy page that I also follow. In his post he said his mother had family in Tyler and Polk County, Texas. I grew up in that part of southeast Texas so I asked him for more information about his family. After a little research I found that his mother and I were distant cousins. Our great-grandfathers were brothers. Needless to say, we were both shocked and amazed at our coincidental connection.
The Twins and Their Mother

Our connection didn't end there. Although Christopher's mother grew up in Iowa, she and her brother had spent many summers with their grandmother in Tyler County. They enjoyed spending long summer days playing with the twin boys who lived next door. Those twins were my husband and his brother. My husband has always had fond memories of his summers with his two friends from Iowa. He said there were tears when their summers ended.

Donie Lacy
Christopher's Grandmother

Christopher was shocked to find out about a little of his mother's childhood and some very distant relatives. He was also thankful to hear how she and her brother spent her summers and the friends who remembered them so fondly. His uncle, although in failing health, remembered his summers in Tyler County. He asked for pictures of the twins. 
Unknown and Donie Lacy
Christopher said he wished he could tell her about what he had learned, but his mother now has dementia. He was cleaning her apartment because she was being placed in a nursing facility.

My husband was able to identify two of the pictures for Christopher. 

There are no coincidences; just family....




Saturday, March 13, 2021

Momma and Her Friends

Irene Limbrick

In the small farming community of Peachtree where I grew up, my mother had two good friends; Mary Lee and Hazel. Momma, Mary Lee, and Hazel had children about the same ages. They were often pregnant at the same time, and they were faced with the same challenges in their community. They spent their early mornings preparing hardy lunches for their husbands who worked at the sawmills or hauling pulpwood. Then they prepared breakfast for their children who were loaded onto the school bus before 7:30 each morning. The younger children who weren't old enough for school were then fed and sent outside to play. 

Hazel Armstrong

The women then washed the dishes, made beds, swept floors, and did other household chores. After the morning housework was done they gathered to talk, laugh, and gossip. In the year round heat of southeast Texas, it always seemed the windows were raised and and a humid breeze from the not so distant Gulf of Mexico flirted with the curtains. The voices of the young mothers floated on the breeze and the fluttering curtains seemed to danced to their laughter. You would have thought they didn't have a care in the world. 

After some time Mary Lee and her family moved to another nearby community. Momma and Hazel grew closer. They became best friends. Later in their lives, when the women were in their fifties, my parents moved fifty miles away. Momma's friend, Hazel, drove the fifty miles everyday to work with them in their small business. 

In 1998 my mother passed away. Hazel was devastated. She came to the funeral home and asked if she could take a picture of her friend. Of course no one objected. I later learned that she kept the picture on the nightstand near her bed. Three months later Hazel passed away as well. Mary Lee lived until 2010. 

 I hope they are all having a good laugh and the curtains are dancing in the breeze. 

Silvia King

Silvia King was stolen from her husband and three children in Morocco North Africa. She was enslaved in Bordeaux, France before she was sold to traders who chained her and took her to America. The ship she was on docked in New Orleans where she was stripped naked and sold to a man from Fayette County, Texas (La Grange, TX). She and others were then chained together and marched from Louisiana to Texas on foot (about 450 miles). We did not descend from her, but her story is probably much the same as some of our ancestors. This is a long read, but worth it. #BlackHistoryMonth2021