About Me

"There are two great days in a person's life - the day we are born and the day we discover why." 

-William Barclay

Someone once asked me what was my passion. I was dumbfounded. I couldn't answer. No one had ever asked me question quite that before and I had never thought to ask myself. I was a woman nearly sixty years old and unable to define my passion. That question haunted me for weeks. Well, maybe not the question itself, but my lack of knowledge about my own self. There are a lot of things I enjoy doing; sewing, cooking, reading, but I knew I didn't feel passionate about any of them. After I retired and had some time to think I realized that my passion had been with me almost my entire life. It was in the books I chose to read, the foods I chose to cook, the sewing I learned to do. It was the voice of my ancestors calling to me. My people are my passion.

My passion is genealogy. Knowing where I came from and knowing about the people who got me here excites and encourages me. My ancestors went through so much for me to just be alive today. It's almost like they're waiting for me to tell their stories, to say their names, to appreciate their sacrifices. Sometimes I hit roadblocks in my research, but I am not deterred. When an ancestor cannot be found I wait. I know when they're ready they'll find me.

Little bits and pieces of stories I remembered from childhood stayed with me. The smell of honeysuckle that reminded me of narrow dirt roads that led to small unpainted houses in the woods. The low voices of adults speaking about things and people children weren't suppose to hear.

So, I will share my genealogy, family stories, pictures, and whatever I feel passionate about at the time.

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