Thursday, December 7, 2017

History All Around Us

While researching my husband's family tree I came across three sisters living in an orphanage in Upshur County, Texas. It was called the Dickinson Orphanage or State Colored Orphans' Home. I live in the area, but had never heard of it. After further searching I found that the sisters' mother had been brutally murdered. She was only twenty two years old. Not only were the three youngest children placed in the orphanage, the two older children were sent to live with an older great-aunt. Some of them moved out of state as adults and had successful lives. Some eeked out a living as best they could in Texas. I wonder if they ever shared their story with their families. So much history is lost when we are embarrassed by our past experiences. There is no shame in where you came from. Children do not choose their living conditions.

Here is a link for more information about State Colored Orphans' Home .

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